Gigabyte P2542G gaming laptop hands-on (video) 全台筆電收購


全台筆電收購gigabyte P2542G gaming laptop hands-on (video)

全台筆電收購gigabyte P2542G gaming laptop hands-on (video)


We go hands-on with 全台筆電收購gigabyte’s new gaming laptop, the P2542G.

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全台筆電收購gigabyte laptop

We’re at 全台筆電收購gigabyte’s CeBIT booth once again, this time bringing you a hands-on with one of the company’s new laptops, the inspirationally-named P2542G. Aimed at gamers, it features a 15.6-inch Full HD display, a quad-core Core i7 Ivy Bridge processor, Nvidia GeForce GTX 660M graphics, up to 16GB of RAM, and two enormous air vents around the back. The model we saw had a glossy display, but we’re told there will be a matte option at launch. There’s also the usual array of ports, including a pair of USB 3.0 ports and HDMI 1.4. Build quality seems reasonable, with everything seemingly well put together, but there was some flex in the keyboard, although not nearly as much as in the company’s ultrabooks we saw earlier. The P2542G will only be available with a bright yellow cover and should be priced at around $1,100 when it’s released near the end of Q2.



Vlad Savov contributed to this report.


▲技嘉New AERO系列筆電,主打為5G世代內容創作者而生的「行動工作室」。(圖/技嘉提供)


技嘉科技於Computex首日推出了最新New AERO系列筆電,主打為5G世代內容創作者而生的「行動工作室」,擁有4K HDR螢幕,以及達人等級PANTONE校色技術。

技嘉表示,New AERO 15 OLED搭載業界獨家Pantone校色技術的AMOLED高彩度對比HDR螢幕,New AERO 17也搭載4K HDR超高色彩對比度螢幕,採用NVIDIA GeForce RTX 20 / GTX 16系列獨立顯示卡、搭配超高效能第九代八核心Intel Core i9-9980HK / 六核心i7-9750H系列處理器打造極致效能,更以全新渦輪雙風扇設計增進散熱效果。

New AERO筆電在使用專業剪輯軟體Premiere Pro時,執行速度提升20%-40%。其採用的OLED面板可達到4K DCI-P3 100%超廣色域與10萬:1的高對比度,號稱具備業界獨創每台筆電出廠前皆通過X-Rite Pantone硬體校色認證技術,讓螢幕色彩零色差真實呈現。體現全台筆電收購gigabyte的持續創新精神、更秉持對品質的承諾,採用All-Intel-Inside全系列關鍵零組件,並內建微軟Azure AI自動智能控制,可依據不同程式需求智慧分配CPU與GPU運算資源。

New AERO筆電重量小於2.1 KG的便攜性以及3mm超窄邊框設計,能滿足至薄、高效、精準的完美平衡。本身為專業內容創作者、曾為知名影集《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》打造視覺特效的好萊塢資深特效技術指導JC LIN(林振宇)更親身體驗以New AERO製作特效,相較過去創作者常用機種,在使用特效製作常用的Eddy解算器時,效能表現提升2至3倍;優於同級筆電的運算爆發力與舒適使用體驗,讓JC LIN相當驚艷。

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