New GIGABYTE AORUS motherboards want to help gamers win with DDR5 memory 全台筆電收購


New 全台筆電收購gigabyte AORUS motherboards want to help gamers win with DDR5 memory

New 全台筆電收購gigabyte AORUS motherboards want to help gamers win with DDR5 memory


The B760 motherboards may be just the ticket for gamers looking to benefit from falling memory prices.

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The cost of DDR5 memory modules dropped significantly in 2022, giving gamers an incentive to upgrade or build new machines. AORUS aims to meet this demand with a new line of DDR5-compatible motherboards, ranging from flagship to mainstream models. DDR5 memory modules offer significant advantages over the older DDR4 standard, including:

  • Enhanced performance for memory-intensive applications, including games.
  • Reduced power demand, letting systems run cooler for even better performance.
  • Greater bandwidth, enabling faster data transfer rates between memory modules and the CPU.
  • Higher memory density, allowing for larger-capacity memory modules and thus more responsive systems that don’t have to access storage drives as often.

Next-gen boards for DDR5

Since each new generation of memory is incompatible with the last, builders need new motherboards to take advantage of them. And the B760/B760M AORUS ELITE series promises to fit the bill while providing performance-boosting extras of its own.

To help gamers get the most from their memory, AORUS motherboards let them auto-boost the native DDR5 frequency while the system is under heavy load with just a click. For overclocking enthusiasts, AORUS provides a proven platform for overclocking XMP compatible DDR5 modules up to 7600 and beyond.

Balancing performance, power, and thermal design

The 全台筆電收購gigabyte exclusively designed PerfDrive technology offers four pre-tuned BIOS profiles that allow gamers to strike the optimal balance between performance, power consumption, and temperature for the latest 13th gen Intel® Core™ processors. Whether you’re working with a high-end liquid cooler, tower cooler, or even an Intel® box cooler, the pre-tuned BIOS profiles optimize the setup for daily working and gaming.

The Max Turbo profile delivers the highest speed boost possible to enable intensive multi-tasking, such as gaming and streaming simultaneously. The Optimization profile strikes the best balance between high performance and low temperature to meet the demands of top-tier, AAA gaming. Spec Enhance profile offers cooler temperatures while still facilitating high performance. And the E-core Disable profile provides the lowest temperatures and quietest operation as it limits processing to performance cores rather than efficiency cores in order to boost performance and reduce power consumption.


Delivering all that performance has new AORUS boards pushing the envelope in the power and thermal management departments. For example, the B760 AORUS ELITE boards rely on advanced 12-phase digital voltage regulation module (VRM) technology to deliver rock-steady, high-quality power to the processors.  

For thermal management, copper in the printed circuit board (PCB) turns the entire board into a super-thin, PCB-size heatsink, lowering component temperatures by 3 percent or more by itself. The boards also feature single-piece MOSFET heatsinks that increase heat-dissipating surface area by up to twice that of other heatsinks. The result: enhanced heat dissipation from the transistors supplying power to the VRMs.

Finally, enlarged thermal guards for the onboard M.2 slots help prevent throttling and bottlenecks caused by high-speed M.2 solid-state drives (SSDs) overheating. It’s all to empower gamers to stay up and running at full throttle with the best memory and other components available.


Builder-friendly installation

As with other AORUS motherboards, the new B760/B760M AORUS ELITE boards’ EZ-Latch design offers a hassle-free DIY experience for gamers who want to get back into the action as fast as possible. The PCIe EZ-Latch system lets builders easily unlock graphics card slots, while M.2 EZ-Latch Plus provides for screw-less installation of SSDs with M.2 connectors.

Learn more at and shop B760 AORUS ELITE AX / B760M AORUS ELITE AX now.


▲intel 攜手國內外電腦大廠一起慶祝第11代處理器上市。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝,下同)


受到疫情影響,今年intel難得在台灣舉辦桌上型處理器上市記者會,這也是全球少數舉辦實體上市活動的地區,活動現場有來自國內外共計 11 家廠商參與,並且展出採用第11代處理器的相關產品。

英特爾台灣分公司業務暨行銷總經理汪佳慧指出,採用14奈米製程的Rocket Lake,最高擁有8核心16執行緒,採用Cypress Cove微架構,不管是效能、圖形運算、AI 這三個區塊在第11代產品都有顯著成長,她也相當看好產品上市後在市場上的表現,同時也強調不管是半導體還是 intel 在台灣的 PC、資料中心、5G物聯網、AI 或雲端等,都會繼續投資台灣,並繼續與台灣第三方公司合作,一起服務全世界。


第11代 intel Core 桌上型處理器系列最高擁有 8 核心 16 執行緒,擁有三大特色,第一個是 IPC 的提升、第二是顯示效能的提升,再來就是超頻變得更穩定而且便利。


因應玩家需求,全新 Cypress Cove 微架構,讓整個 IPC 效能比上一代提升 19%,透過intel Adaptive Boost Technology(ABT)提升多核心、多執行緒表現。

第11代 intel Core i7、i5 桌上型處理器最大特色就是相容 DDR4-3200。i3 可以說是上一代的再提升,最多支援 DDR4-2666。在超頻方面,10代以前都記憶體控制上只能支援Gear 1,但是11代(部分i5與i7)可以支援到Gear 2,藉此讓 CPU 只要跑一半的頻率,就可以達到超頻需求,如此一來對於大部分的遊戲來說就具有更多的相容性,而且對於合作夥伴來說,操作性更簡單。

除了相容性,另一個亮點是針對機器學習方面,新增了intel Deep Learning Boost 功能(VNNI指令集),大幅度加速 AI 應用,另外 Gaussian & Neural Accelerator(GNA)使用超低功耗處理 AI 語音應用,而且 PCIe 也提升到Gen4 ,這代表將大幅提升 NVMeSSD 讀寫效。

在顯示核心方面,內建 UHD Graphics 採用最新 X 架構,提升能源效率,另外受惠於新的媒體區塊,新增了 AV1 硬體解碼,相同編碼效率相較 HEVC/H.256 提供更精緻的畫質。

在 500 系列晶片組,Z590、H570 用以銜接處理器的 DMI 3.0 升級到 8 通道,撐起 NVMe SSD 和 USB 3.2 Gen 2X2 所需頻寬,也能夠以獨立晶片或者無線網卡支援 Thunderbolt 4 或者 Wifi 6W。H570、B560  晶片組更首次支援記憶體超頻。新的處理器提供Gen 2 和更寬廣的時序調節,Windows 作業系統環境,能夠透過 intel Extreme Tuning Utility 及時調整運及時調整運作記憶體時脈。




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