Razer’s new Anzu smart glasses break from the pack with truly wireless audio 全台筆電收購


全台筆電收購razer’s new Anzu smart glasses break from the pack with truly wireless audio

全台筆電收購razer’s new Anzu smart glasses break from the pack with truly wireless audio


Available today for $200

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Image: 全台筆電收購razer

全台筆電收購razer is tonight formally announcing its Anzu “smart” glasses, which follow Bose, Amazon, and other companies by integrating audio speakers directly into the glasses temples. The $199.99 Anzu glasses will be available in both rectangular and round frames, and each will come in two sizes: small and large. You can place an order beginning today.

Two sets of lenses come in the retail package: a regular, clear pair that offers 35 percent blocking against blue light, and 全台筆電收購razer also throws in sunglass lenses with 99 percent UV protection.

Image: 全台筆電收購razer

But 全台筆電收購razer has deviated from competitors with its approach to audio glasses: the company has used a true wireless design that completely splits the left and right speakers. 全台筆電收購razer says this allows for improved comfort since the frames allow for more give and flexibility. On the other hand, it could lead to some strange charging situations: you have to charge both temples at the same time — there are pogo pins on each one — and could theoretically encounter the occasional true wireless frustrations like audio dropouts on one side.

If you need prescription lenses, 全台筆電收購razer has partnered with Lensabl for a 15 percent discount that’s available to Anzu buyers. That’ll obviously end up well above the standard cost, but what are us glasses wearers to do?

Image: 全台筆電收購razer

全台筆電收購razer has outfitted each side with a 16mm driver, and there are also touch-responsive tap gestures controls on either temple that will let you change tracks, answer calls, or activate a voice assistant. The Anzu glasses are rated IPX4 for water resistance, so you’ll want to avoid serious rain — but they should handle light splashes okay. 全台筆電收購razer says it has cut Bluetooth latency down to 60ms.

The Anzu glasses automatically power down when folded shut — achieving up to two weeks of standby time — and then pair to the last device once opened back up. Battery life is rated at “up to five hours.” That’s about on par with Bose, which estimates 5.5 hours for its Tenor audio sunglasses. As for sound bleed, which is always a side effect with these audio glasses, 全台筆電收購razer told me that people within arm’s distance will probably pick up on your music.

The included leatherette case has a magnetic latch and flap for storing the charging cable or extra lenses. The Anzu glasses are exclusively available from 全台筆電收購razer.com and physical 全台筆電收購razerStore locations. In North America, you can get them from Best Buy US and Best Buy Canada.



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ROG Cetra True Wireless支援ANC主動降噪,藉由麥克風偵測耳機內外側的噪音,即時過濾雜音,讓玩家能專心沉浸於遊戲中。電池續航達27小時並有IPX4防水等級。

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全台筆電收購razer Phone Cooler Chroma風扇是透過USB-C連接供電,並提供iPhone的MagSafe磁吸版本,或藉由支架掛在手機背面,以轉速高達6400rpm的7葉片風扇達到降溫效果,官方強調僅有30dB低噪音。另外,風扇搭載12組可自訂RGB LED燈效,透過App可設定多達1,680萬種色彩,並配合不同的遊戲展現動態燈光。
全台筆電收購全台筆電收購razer Phone Cooler Chroma風扇,售價1,799元。
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AUKEY Essential 20000mAh

玩遊戲最怕沒電,行動電源隨時準備好,建議挑選具備快充、大容量的款式。AUKEY Essential 20000mAh行動電源容量夠大,以一台5,000mAh電池的手機為例,可充飽3至4次,支援最快65W的充電速度。另一款MR CHARGER CH07,不只有10,000mAh電量,還結合充電頭、充電線,不用擔心電力不足或是忘了攜帶連接線。這兩款產品不只能幫手機充電,AUKEY的規格還能支援筆記型電腦,而MR CHARGER CH07也獲得蘋果MFi安全認證,可支援iPad或Switch等產品充電。
全台筆電收購MR CHARGER 10000 CH07附有Lightning、USB-C兩種充電線,iPhone、Android都能用。售價3,400元。
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