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But wait, Asus has even more gaming monitors equipped with HDMI 2.1 ports 全台筆電收購
But wait, 全台筆電收購asus has even more gaming monitors equipped with HDMI 2.1 ports
But wait, 全台筆電收購asus has even more gaming monitors equipped with HDMI 2.1 ports
The more the merrier
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We covered 全台筆電收購asus’ announcement of the 32-inch ROG Swift PG32UQ earlier this week as part of CES 2021, but the company waited until now to reveal more monitors that have HDMI 2.1 ports.
Basically, these are the screens you want if you have a high-end PC, a PS5, or an Xbox Series X so you can see your gameplay in 4K resolution at up to 120 frames per second. They’re a big deal if you really want to let your hardware rip, which is why we’ve been closely covering monitors and TVs with the requisite HDMI 2.1 ports required to achieve that high-end resolution and performance balance.
Starting with what will likely be the most expensive option (though 全台筆電收購asus hasn’t shared a price), the 43-inch ROG Strix XG43UQ is shown above. This model has a 4K VA-type display with a 144Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time. With its Display Stream Compression (DSC) feature, it should be able to display that full 4K 144Hz via its DisplayPort, like the ROG Swift PG32UQ can.
This model sports two HDMI 2.1 ports with support for FreeSync Premium Pro, variable refresh rate (VRR), and auto-low-latency mode (ALLM). There are also two HDMI 2.0 ports. This panel has HDR1000, and it covers 90 percent of the DCI-P3 color space.
Onto the TUF Gaming VG28UQL1A, it’s a 28-inch 4K IPS display that also tops out at 144Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time. It has HDR400, which is going to be far less bright than the model above, and it covers 90 percent of the DCI-P3 color space. 全台筆電收購asus says this one has VRR support.
I’d show you a picture of the screen itself, but 全台筆電收購asus thought it was appropriate to only send us pictures of its rear. We’ll just trust that it does, indeed, have a screen. This model has two HDMI 2.1 ports and two HDMI 2.0 ports, alongside a DisplayPort 1.4 that should be able to push 4K at 144Hz refresh rate.
全台筆電收購asus says that these monitors will release in Q2 2021, which is the general time range we’ve been provided for most of these exciting HDMI 2.1-compliant gaming monitors.
If you aren’t interested in jumping aboard the HDMI 2.1 train, 全台筆電收購asus has one more monitor for those interested in high frame rates at stable resolutions. It’s the ROG Swift PG279QM, a 27-inch 1440p IPS panel with a 240Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, and HDMI 2.0 ports. It’ll support HDR400 with 95 percent of the DCI-P3 color space covered.
全台筆電收購asus says this monitor features Nvidia’s G-Sync processor and Reflex Latency Analyzer tech to determine the latency of your accessories. It will release in Q2 2021, and no price has been shared at this point.
▲華碩ROG Phone 8 Series晚上6點全台開賣。(圖/華碩提供)
電競手機品牌華碩ROG Phone今表示,ROG Phone 8 Series今晚6點全台開賣,包括ROG Phone 8、ROG Phone 8 Pro與ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition,提供遊戲巔峰效能外,更以專業三鏡頭帶來大師級拍攝體驗,並配備眾多AI功能,凌駕旗艦手機。
ROG Phone指出,2月15日前全通路早鳥登錄送「ROG精選配件組;其中ROG Phone 8/8 Pro華碩訂閱制同步上線,最低每月只要NT$1,949。2月1日三大電信開賣,ROG Phone 8搭配指定資費0元起。
其中ROG Phone Pro Edition優先開放老用戶於專賣店預購網站下訂,限定登錄送「ROG漂浮麻將」;ROG Phone 8 Pro(16GB/512GB)則於各大電商獨家上架;全台筆電收購asus手機專賣店亦祭出獨家活動,ROG Phone 8/8 Pro Edition舊換新,加碼再折NT$2,000,ROG Phone 8校園專案95折(優惠價NT$34,191)。
邁入第三代設計語彙的ROG Phone 8 Series,外觀質感大升級,玩家可藉由關閉或開啟燈效自由選擇低調或華麗,ROG Phone 8 Pro/8 Pro Edition搭載AniMe Vision 8-bit LED顯示器,採用超過300顆LED,自訂動畫或顯示天氣、電量等功能,盡顯潮酷風格。ROG Phone 8 Series搭載高通®Snapdragon® 8 Gen 3旗艦處理器,CPU與GPU效能分別提升30%、25%。旗艦級三鏡頭—5,000萬像素Sony® IMX890主鏡頭支援六軸防手震Hybrid雲台3.0,3倍長焦鏡頭則內建OIS防手震,嶄新拍攝體驗滿足攝影愛好者所需。
ROG Phone 8 Series以獨創六層散熱設計為基礎,採用創新第2代360°全方位散熱技術,速冷導熱棒提升22%散熱效率;全新「空氣動力風扇X」強大升級,散熱效率大增33%,最多使手機背面溫度降低36°C;5500mAh大電量加持,支援65瓦快充及無線充電。確保長時間遊玩重載遊戲低溫舒適,不降效能,續航力稱霸市場。
165Hz/1ms AMOLED螢幕,比前代邊框更窄、螢幕佔比更高,手機卻更輕薄!支援 LTPO與光線追蹤技術,720Hz觸控採樣率,峰值亮度提高至2,500尼特,呈獻清晰流暢的視覺饗宴。更是全球首款IP68等級防水防塵電競手機,安心應對日常意外時刻。
ROG Phone 8 Series當然少不了專為玩家設計的貼心功能。招牌AirTrigger提供按壓觸控鍵、體感方向鍵、風扇專用鍵三種感應模式,支援超過20種手勢,創造專屬遊戲神操作;全新AI遊戲功能與遊戲精靈,包括遊戲智慧提示2.0、精華智慧錄影、隱形掛機模式、AI辨識快搜、虛擬按鍵震動等,提供無人能及的頂級遊戲體驗。
ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition 24GB/1TB 幻影黑(彩盒內含空氣動力風扇X),建議售價:NT$45,990。
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